How I work
I work together with my guides who I call my light team, my soul group star family to do this work. To tune in initially I connect with the universal light energy and my light team and ask for the highest guidance in light to come forward for you now.
Your guide may be from a different dimensional existence, Lemuria for example that has energy available for you to use here. The guides most often another aspect of your soul self. existing in another dimension, frequency or time space. Your guide may be angelic, inter dimensional or one of the many ET beings here to help humanity.
Wherever the guides are from their intention is to help you connect with them and to raise your energy vibration in alignment with your pure soul self. The messages they bring are individual and specific for you and your life path. They bring messages of love and support and often times will come around you to work on your energy field for healing activation and to strengthen the connection.
The paintings
I use the same process to tune in and paint your guide my guides link with yours and your guide often appear to me as i paint. They usually appear to me as I channel the message although sometimes they can be very subtle and not fully appear until I paint them. I sometimes receive further messages which I pass along to you as I go. As I am working you may begin to feel a connection or experience their energy because at this point the connection has already been established with the message.
The paintings can act as a portal and hold the energy of your guide.
The energy flows into the painting and can help to activate a deeper connection for you. You may gaze into the painting and directly connect with your guide in this way. The painting may take up to three to four weeks depending on size and how many orders I have waiting.
"A huge thank you to my dear soul sister karen at Extradimensional Art who so lovingly channeled my galactic elemental guide, I work with him so closely and I love how you have captured him his energy and the symbols i see. karen also sent a channeled clip with a message directly from him unlocking further downloads for me."
"Karen, 5 stars are not enough for the wonderful experience I received from you. You are a beautiful soul and I would recommend to anyone if you want to connect to your guide's, you need to do this. Tear's fell from my eyes the moment I started listening to my message so instant was the connection, and the guide paintings are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!. I can't recommend you enough Karen and want to thank you from my heart"
"She is an amazing artist and her visionary paintings are full of beautiful vibes and energies of love and light"