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Sirian Portal Blessings

Karen Elsworth

Hello beautiful Souls! The Sirian portal is open right now for us to receive so much light. Here is a message I received from one of my light team, Ay - E - Lah .

Greetings dear ones as I bring you into this energy!

I come forward through the portal of light open and available now to be infusing those called to this energy within the divine light stream

bringing the unique light pattern and light coding for you all as you access this new phase of

energy and vibration

Aligned with the structures of light forming around the planetary sphere that is holding the pattern for the new earth unfolding

the gateways are open

so indeed open your hearts to the divine light within you as you raise your vibration

raise your frequency, accepting your inner pattern of light accepting your purpose and pathway as you all move forward into this new era of light.

We surround you in love

we surround you in our joy

and celebrate the unfolding of you into the light

be blessed in this divine frequency

Ay - e - lah

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