Hello Beautiful Souls!
I have a special meditation to share with you that includes an activation channeled with Anñar to help you connect to your light team.
This is such a powerful time we are experiencing and we need to connect to the light more than ever, to stay focused, to stay strong, and to stay in alignment holding the energy we came here to bring. I invite you to listen to this in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed to fully experience the energy and to allow yourself to be open to the wonderful beings supporting you. For some this may be an introduction to a deeper connection to the energy for others it may be a deeper connection to your guides/light team, whatever you experience or whatever comes is perfect for where you are now.
I am considering sharing a members area where you can experience these kind of meditations/ activations, free of charge, so feel free to let me know if you would like this to be included here.
Sharing with love ❤️
Karen & Anñar